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Cucina Calabrese Foods is now on all social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram,Twitter) as we try to engage with pasta lovers all over the world. You will be able to get updates on our new flavors, recipes, and food shows where we will be featuring our homemade artisan pasta. We want our social media to act as an open forum between Cucina Calabrese and our customers so we invite all to follow us and participate! You can find the links on the top of our site.
*WE NEED FEEDBACK!* Just like any small company, we too are having our own growing pains. Through our social media and "Come Va" food blog, we want to hear your thoughts. Does the pasta taste right? How is it cooking? We want to know. And don't worry about hurting our feelings, because no words can hurt worse than Nunni's wooden spoon!
Ciao Miei Amici,
Cucina Calabrese