Mental Health Awareness Month

One in five adults will struggle with a mental health issue (like anxiety, addiction, depression) at some point in their life. We at Cucina Calabrese have seen pervasive ills like the opioid crisis and suicide harm our community in major ways. Our prime goal of a company was to bring families & friends together for a nice Italian meal. But people can’t sit down and enjoy a nice meal together if they’re not feeling mentally healthy enough to do so. There are solutions for mental health problems and these are extremely common ailments. However, stigma prevents people from talking about it, people don’t have the right information, or they suffer alone. Luckily, there are groups like National Alliance for Mental Illness (NAMI) who fill that need & do much more. Their programs - including the research proven “Family-to-Family” class - are delivered at no cost.
For this mental health awareness month, Cucina Calabrese will donate a portion of Misto Pack sales to the NAMI Walks event on June 2nd. Cucina Calabrese has a team and will be out in Baltimore with thousands of others! If you don’t want to buy pasta or donate to our team, I still urge you to check out to get informed and consider supporting them. We want to keep honoring & supporting the boots on the ground volunteering to help those in need so they can get back to connecting with loved ones around a warm bowl of pasta.